Friday, May 3, 2013

Automation of Dimension Extraction of Essbase

We are going to see the Automation of Essbase Dimension Extraction using Outline Extractor.

We can download Outline Extractor software from

Step - 1:

You should install the Outline extractor software you have downloaded.

Step - 2:

Create a batch file providing the details of the application, Server, DB and Dimension which you want to extract. below is the code you can use

cd C:\Program Files\olapunderground\Essbase Outline Extractor

win C:\Program Files\olapunderground\Essbase Outline Extractor\exportdim.exe ServerName/AdminName/Password/ApplicationName/DatabaseName/DimensionName/Path where extracted file to be stored/!/ Doc/11111111111111111111/Text

You can schedule the below batch file to run at fixed time using various schedulers like Window scheduler etc