Saturday, October 18, 2014

Enable Offline Planning for Hyperion Planning

1. Install the offline component of Smart View

The executable offline.exe can be found in HYPERION_HOME\Planning\bin\SmartView. Double click on the executable to install the offline component.

-After install you would have an offline folder with the following directory structure


2. Provision the user for offline access

In Shared Services check that the user has been provisioned with the 'Offline User' role for the Planning
application to be accessed.

3. Enable the Planning Application for offline access

To enable an application for Offline Planning, the administrator has to ensure that the Planning application property "ENABLE_FOR_OFFLINE" is set to true. This property is located within "Administration" -> "Manage Properties" -> "Application Properties"

4. Enable Forms for Offline access

In Planning, connect to the Planning Application. Select Administration, Manage Data Forms, Edit the forms to be accessed via Excel; on the Properties tab, make sure that 'Enable Offline Usage' is selected.

5. Create the Data Source connection

In Excel select Hyperion, Connection Manager. Click Add and select 'URL Provider'. From the Provider drop-down list select Hyperion Provider. In the Location text box enter:
Expand Servers, expand you server, expand the application you want to access, select the appropriate Plan Type and click Next. Enter a name and description for this connection. Provide the user name and password.

With 11.1.1, APS can also be used to connect to Planning and to take forms offline. 

6. Now at Excel the webform name will show-up in the take offline list.
